This site is created by John Freifeld on May 15th 2000.
It's purpose and intent is solely to bring to light the character of person(s) involved in a public attack against me.  These people
have been filing vicitous complaints/reports with various agencies
stating falsely that I have held myself out as a therapist, licensed or otherwise in the United States.
I have never done so, either in a face to face setting, over the telephone or over the Internet.
Read all the material here, see the graphics below, follow the links at the bottom of page, and read the updates, it will not take long for you to see that Pat Stubbs, Ruth Parris, Stephanie Bryant, Bruce Whealton, and Christine Brandon are croonies who have lied, abused, manipulated, stolen, and impersonated in their attempt to justify the creation of the HIP web site and their false reports to government agencies.  Every thing placed here is easily verifible,  and I welcome any opportunity to provide any investigative body much more information.  Please do not allow these people to continue abusing and misusing your agencies resources.
Do Not Be Fooled!
A web site entitled "Hazards on the Internet and Prevention", otherwise referred to as HIP, was created by Pat Stubs (aka Spiritedlady, verity) in 1999, after she was approached by two former members of a Abuse Survivors support group I had founded on the Internet.  They were claiming that I had presented myself as a "therapist" on the Internet.  This was not true.  However, Pat Stubs decided it was time to protect the online abuse survivor community from me and began creating the HIP web site.  She NEVER spoke with me about their claims, nor did she speak with any of the other 50+ members of our group about the claims these 2 woman were making before creating the HIP site.  She was not informed by these woman that they had both been confronted by me, in the presence and at the request of the group members,  regarding evidence that showed they had been using our group as a way to deceptively solicite financial contributions from group members.  They failed to tell her that they had been banned from our groups room as a result, after a motion was put on the floor and the majority felt it was in the best interest of the group to ban them. 

After Mrs. Stubbs created the HIP web page to which she attached a message board, many members of our group attempted to clarify to her, on the message board, the erroneous information she had been given.  Every one of them asked her to remove the HIP site from the Internet.  She would not let that material be posted on the board and did not reply to the submitting persons.  She did however, create and support what I refer to as her personal "John Bashing Committee." A small group of six (6) people, including herself,  the two woman that had been banned from the support group, and a couple of people I had never heard of or spoken to.  The message board was provided for free by an Internet based organization that went under ( and is no longer available.  However, it was there for a year and during that year I was accused of claiming to be a therapist, accused of being a cult leader, a rapist, a person that ran over a police officer with a car, someone that threw away or destroyed someone elses belongings... and all sorts of things that were not true and had no place in reality.  Past or Present.

Mrs. Stubs eventually began to communicate with a group member via email and during this email exchange was asked to explain what "evidence" she was using to support having built such a site about me.  Pat Stubbs sent a reply email back stating "I have quotes by John, I have logs of conversations others have sent to me of him chatting online that support my site".  Having been asked how she would define the mission or purpose of the HIP web page, Mrs. Stubbs replied, "Its purpose is to expose those in the survivor community that misrepresent themselves." 

Shortly after being informed of this email exchange, I was informed by several group members that Pat Stubs was pretending to be me on the Internet.  Attempting to have conversations with people she knew were members of the group I had founded, using my previously registered nickname (`John`) on DalNet to do so.  Sometimes I would send someone an instant message on AOL, or ICQ and be asked why I am sending them a message "when we are in the room together."  Yet, I was not in a room with them at all.  Also, people that knew my computer was crashed for a week would called me at home to inform me that someone was using my name and pretending to be me on the Internet.  So, I decided it was time to find out what was going on.  I went to dalnets server using an IRC client program called mIRC.  I found that Pat Stubs had not only registered my nickname to herself, but had also opened up a chatroom on dalnet using the same name of our groups room on (#shelterhouse).  I went to and downloaded a program called Capture Express 2000, which will take a picture of whatever is on your monitor and took the following picture of the information that appeared on my screen.
"Having been asked how she would define the mission or purpose of the HIP web page, Mrs. Stubs replied, "Its purpose is to expose those in the survivor community that misrepresent themselves.

Note that where it says "Founder", it has MY nickname (`john`), but next to my name it shows to be registered to Pat Stubbs and provides her Internet Service Providers information.  This ISP information is automatically provided by the persons ISP and recorded by dalnets servers when a nickname is registered on dalnet.  It is not removable or editable.  Not only did she register my name to herself, she had opened and registered a room with the same name as the room I had founded.  She did this on 4/25/2000 (see Registered date on photo).  Our group had moved off dalnets server 2 months before (to server)  so our rooms registration had expired on dalnet after 60 days, due to inactivity, allowing her to re-open and register it using my name and our groups room name.  Any registered room on IRC (such as the one above) can have its information viewed by anyone by simply typing "/chanserv info #roomsname list".  However, it cannot be altered at all.  When I got this photo taken of her deception I wrote Pat Stubbs an email and confronted her.  Shortly thereafter, she took my name off as the rooms founder, (to avoid any legal ramifications obviously) and passed the rooms foundership to her own registered nickname, "spiritedlady". 

To do this the person transferring foundership must identify to the server with a password to show they have the administrative right to do so.  The person foundership is being transferred to must also identify to the server with the password for their registered nickname.  Pat Stubbs could only do this foundership transfer because she had registered my nickname on dalnets server (which requires establishing a password for it) and she already had her own nickname registered and a password for it as well. With her own registered nickname, which ONLY she can use, due to its registration and password, the founder information still shows HER ISP information.  It matches the information of the founder nick `john`.  The ISP information in both photos verify that she (NOT ME), had registered my nickname and the room with the intent to imposter me during chats with people that would enter the room.  The ISP "" has its main office in Woodstock, VA.  where I have discovered, via the Internet, is where Mrs Stubbs lives., the Internet Service Provider, was not available to me in New Kensington, PA., where I lived for 3 years before moving to Wilmington, NC. in Dec of 1999, where it also isn't available.  Also, it is worth noting that one of Mrs. Stubbs email addresses is "" and has been for several years.

I have NEVER held myself out to be a therapist, (licensed or unlicensed) to anyone at any time.  Whenever I have been asked if I was a therapist or formally educated in mental health and I have always said "NO".  When asked such a question, I have always stated that I am an abuse survivor and my experience and association with other abuse survivors has allotted me the opportunity to learn what I know.  My willingness and ability to help and encourage other abuse survivors to get into therapy within their community can be attested to by innumerable survivors and licensed therapist around the United States.

The person who obviously misrepresented themself to members of the online abuse survivor community, based on the photos above is Pat Stubbs, not me, John Freifeld!

Other Issues or Persons Involved That Are Notable

Example of Letters Written In My Behalf By Other Group Members Ruth Parris
and Stephanie Bryant
Board of Psychology
Bruce Whealton, MSW
License Revoked! Two criminal convictions!
Alleganey County, PA Dept of Child Protective Services
Miracles In Progress
12 Step Recovery Forums
North Carolina
Medical Board
The #Healingroom
Abuse Survivor Group
North Carolina 
Psychology Board
Broken Laws
Who is Christine Brandon?
(aka LWK)
Just Some Thoughts
Morning Star Newspaper Back To Front Page

Got a question or a comment?
You are welcome to Email me at
and I will reply.